Saturday, October 15, 2011



I have a confession to make, my beloved minions. Contrary to what the content of this post would imply, I am not really a horror guy. What’s the saying? “I’m a lover, not a fetishist of undead cannibalism?” I may be remembering the phrase wrong.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Halloween. I love the “anything goes” lack of rules and judgment. It’s the one time of the year that you can go nuts, dress up, and don the persona of anyone or anything. Crawl into the skin of your favorite character. Get cozy in there. Put in a giant bean bag, maybe refinish the kitchen. Nest. This tent of skin is yours now.

Of course, it’s also an understatement to say that I am vehemently non-objectionable to the other great tradition of Halloween: Lightly slutty costumes on vixens of all varieties. The good girl next door, who’s always so prim and proper, adopting for a night a new position in the world, in a naughty devil girl costume. (Which, if we’re truly lucky, is more accurately described as a lack of costume.)

But, I am an artist who mostly wants to make the literally tens of fans I have happy. So it’s not about whether or not I like zombies or monsters. It’s about service of you adorable miscreantic goreaphiles who love nothing more than to see the pustulent dead have a cannibalistic thanksgiving on the marinated-in-their-own-panic living.

So without further babble, my collection of horror: ZOMBTOBERFEST.

First, I know you’re all dribbling infected saliva for new stuff. So we’ll start there. These are concept paintings for the Shotgun Diaries, upcoming Zombstravaganza by Davis Films.

And really, how can you have a post about zombies, without the absolutely mandatory WWII zombie? This is for “The Night Children.” By Alexander Gordon Smith.

Here’s one for D&D that I seem to have forgotten to post with the rest of the Seekers of the Ashen Crown stuff.

And here we have undead, but maybe slightly off-topic, because he’s not a shambling, brain-damaged zombie, so much as a lich-king god of ruining your day.

And, in a similar vein of off-topickedness, an undead Sith Lord. Apparently none too happy that folks woke him up.

And now, let’s revisit some of the undead that’s been up on the site, but that maybe you’ve missed, or forgotten about.

That’s all for this visit, my Beloved Minions. But there’s more to come. Tune in next week for a long-overdue post on the Illustration Master Class 2011.

Thirsty for more? You can find me on Deviantart, Tumblr, Blogspot, Facebook, and Livejournal. You can also email me from the contact page to be added to the site update mailing list.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Enjoy a Chandratini at our Star Wars cocktail party!

Things are busy-ing up for this haggard old scrub of an artist. Lots of cool projects coming up, and I'm starting to make my plans for traveling about with my carriage of Snake Oils, Tonics, Curiosities, and Horrors.

Kinda short notice, I know, but first up: Mirrodin Besieged pre-release in Columbus, OH. In like... a couple days.

In February, you can catch me at the Magic the Gathering Denver Grand Prix.

Sooner or later, I'll need to put up some kind of event calendar here on the site. But that requires a kind of effort and patience that would cut into my Dr. Mario time.

For this week's foray into fanservice, visit the gallery page for a Chandratini recipe, and ponder with this angel, who's wondering why she's staring blankly across an expanse of empty white mat.

And, as promised, a bit of catching up on Star Wars! Something for everyone.

A classic Vader emerges from his meditation chamber.

Double-threat twilek Jedi Rachi Sitra gives me a painful lightsaber lesson.

And we learn why Namman Cha is his despicable Sith self.

Next week: Magic Tactics brings us old favorites! The chronomistress and hard-bodied sorceress from "Telling Time" tells us how to organize our schedules for maximum productivity! Reya Dawnbringer gives us tips on keeping your feathers glowing white! And more hooliganism disguised as card alters!

Don't miss another sporadically unpredictable update. Sign up for the mailing list and hear the e-trumpet call for each and every one. (Email me from the Contact Page to join.)

I hope your 2011 is going as well as mine, my Beloved Minions.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back in black metal mania. This one goes to 11.

Welcome to 2011, my Beloved Minions. The year that will finally bring us flying cars, robot servants, and cosmetic gene-splicing. I for one, am excited to the point my nipples have carved holes in my ratty-comfy Spinal Tap shirt. It will be such a good year.

I hope your holiday bounty was as spectacular as mine. The only thing missing from my finely wrapped pit of tribute, was a paradox-free time machine. And since those can be difficult to build without sundering time and space, I can easily overlook this one tiny flaw in an otherwise perfect festival of excess.

I'm not kidding in the title of this week's post. It is metal mania for the new year, and we'll start things off with a surprise preview for the upcoming Magic the Gathering Mirrodin Besieged set: Glissa, the Traitor.

And as a bonus, what should technically be labeled a study, but went pretty much to the point of a finished painting: Notglissa, the zBrush 4 Studyxperiment.

Now then, more metal from the land of Rokugan: the Mempo of Jigoku. This is what you wear when nothing but the uncontrollable soiling of your enemies armor will do.

And finally, what truly metal post would be complete without someone sporting copious spikes and chainmail? I present Dragoon Zytl from the Legends of Norrath.

Next week: Jedi and Sith! Rachi Sitra gives us a lightsaber lesson that will end in an emergency room visit, Namaan Cha practices his "menacing face," and Vader is finally back home in the gallery. Also, we'll catch up on the card alters and sketches I've been up to.

There is still room on the mailing list for you to squeeze in, provided you are amply buttered first. (Email me from the Contact Page to join.)

May your New Years Resolutions be fulfilled with speed and tenacity.

Until we meet again, my Beloved Minions.